Work From Home (WFH) Fatigue

CoBiz Richmond
2 min readApr 18, 2021


Who would have thought that working from home could create fatigue, anxiety, stress, confinement, depression, frustration, and ultimately, exasperation. If you were one of the many professionals who were forced or required to work from home due to Covid-19, you are not alone. For those who are married or have children at home, Work From Home (WFH) Fatigue is a real thing.

Fortunately, things are opening up again, at least here in California, thus, prompting some businesses to welcome their employees back to the office. While that is great, I truly feel for the commuters who now move from WFH Fatigue to Commuter Fatigue. Two polar extremes that impact mental health, productivity, and quality of life.

On the flip side, many companies are mandating that their employees continue to work remotely, which for most professionals means literally working from home, or in other words, more WFH Fatigue.

For both the commuters and the WFH audience, the solution to mitigate or neutralize WFH Fatigue and Commuter Fatigue are co-working spaces, like CoBiz.

Why? First, co-working spaces are hubs purposefully located within your community that offer open workspaces, private offices, meetings rooms, secure WiFi, coffee/tea, printing, and other amenities to ensure productivity. Additionally, spaces like CoBiz offer a connection to your community as it provide an opportunity to meet other professionals and to patronize local small businesses in the area such as coffee shops, cafes, bodegas, etc. Lastly, co-working spaces also provide flexibility such as Day Passes, or month to month terms for people to utilize the space how and when they need.

Commuters: Instead of grinding through traffic every day, contact your manager or Director of HR to request whether the company could offer a membership perk for employees to work out of a co-working space once or twice a week.

WFH Employees: Instead of enduring WFH fatigue, contact your manager or Director of HR to inquire into whether the company would reimburse your monthly membership to a co-working space.

As with any request, highlight the improved morale, increase in productivity, and opportunities to represent to network and grow the business that co-working spaces offer to their members.

To learn more about the 9,000 square foot co-working and business incubator space called CoBiz Richmond, visit our website at or schedule a tour here.

-Wesley Alexander

CEO | CoBiz Richmond



CoBiz Richmond
CoBiz Richmond

Written by CoBiz Richmond

A 9,000 square foot ecosystem for professionals of all walks of life to network, collaborate, innovate, and build in a modern, beautiful space.

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